Years of Morgellons Suffering Finally Ends
Mark May, 2011
The NutraSilver is for a condition so-called “Morgellon’s”: my symptoms resulted in my Total disability have lost almost everything). Symptoms include mental confusion, mental fatigue and inability to function to remember, normally. Severe depression (chronic thoughts of suicide) is one of my diagnoses resultant from this condition.
Also, breakouts of rashes and infections resembling “nits” or parasitic type insects are a constant condition WITHOUT the NutraSilver. It started in 2005 on the bottom of my feet, moved upward through the body, and now mainly manifests on and around the ears, the fingers and forearms, toe nails, and in the head and hair areas. Before NutraSilver, it would be SO severe and SO unattractive that I was unable to even go out in public for days at a time; this occurred frequently for years. Now, I can count on being able to go out in public, as long as I take the NutraSilver.
Intestinal disorders of a parasitic nature are very common also. Sleep disorders, neurological and other symptoms are common and were some other symptoms I had.
High five for your personal testimony. It will encourage anyone reading your article.