Years of Morgellons Suffering Finally Ends
Also, breakouts of rashes and infections resembling “nits” or parasitic type insects are a constant condition WITHOUT the NutraSilver. It started in 2005 on the bottom of my feet, moved upward through the body, and now mainly manifests on and around the ears, the fingers and forearms, toe nails, and in the head and hair areas. Before NutraSilver, it would be SO severe and SO unattractive that I was unable to even go out in public for days at a time; this occurred frequently for years. Now, I can count on being able to go out in public, as long as I take the NutraSilver.
Intestinal disorders of a parasitic nature are very common also. Sleep disorders, neurological and other symptoms are common and were some other symptoms I had.
The CDC is again studying the condition via Kaiser Permanente in San Francisco. There is no known “cure.” The medical profession can not even agree on a diagnosis. Many, many thousands worldwide suffer from this; some have committed suicide.
My local internist is fairly new for me; he knows that the condition exists and he has no objection to my taking NutraSilver. This product, in this colloidal strength, is available no where else that I know of. I will ask him for a letter.
I have seen over a dozen Medical professionals for this problem and its symptoms and complications. To little avail, I might add.
There is much more to the story than this. I have literally boxes of information I thought important enough to save. It’s cause is unknown, there is much speculation. I am not public about this condition, and in this small town, I wish this information to remain Confidential. I AM willing to help ANYONE else suffering from it, as I KNOW the hell that it makes this life. NutraSilver has been my only real hope in years.
Thank you, profusely, for your care, your concern, and your past help, Loralee."
Mark H. Palm Springs CA
Morgellons - Airway Cleared in Two Days!
Mr. Phillip J.I have this dreaded disease called Morgellons; I could feel these glass like fibers in my throat and in my nose/sinuses.
To see if there were any cures / treatment. I discovered NutraSilver. I ordered some right away, by the time my order arrived my air way and sinuses were already beginning to close up with these fibers.
Thank You NutraSilver!"
"It's better than I thought"
"After reading some of the testimonials [on the NutraSilver web site], I decided to try NutraSilver to deal with Morgellons.
"I haven't even finished my first bottle yet, but am already feeling better, with 80% less crawling and biting.
"Life really can get better!"
- Incredible Healing in 3 Weeks!
Morgellons Symptoms Eliminated
My name is Shon. I just started NutraSilver® about two months ago. I feel a lot better than I did before I started. I’m in my 30’s now and from my early 20’s to the present I would feel different, like something wasn’t right, at times. I just couldn’t put my finger on it. I can tell you that I feel so much better now. Over the years I would feel tired. I was diagnosed with asthma around the age of 22 years old. I also use to get these really bad cramps in my legs. I’ve had three surgeries. My left and right ankle and my right knee (ACL). Left ankle and right knee was a sporting injury and the left ankle was a car accident.
In hind-sight, I’ve realize what these marks [lesions] on my body are. The first one appeared on my chest, then arm and face. No one can tell me where they come from. When I say marks, they would just start showing up everywhere on my body. Sometimes I would itch uncontrollably.
When I would get marks [lesions] on my face I just thought it was in-grown hairs. Until one day when I thought I was pulling out an in grown hair and I marked my face so bad that it would not heel. The doctors would just look at me as if I was crazy. Finally this year a dermatologist diagnosed me with something called Morgellons. My dermatologists gave me an ointment to put on my lesions and some kind of steroid shoot. I felt a little better once I knew what I had and that it was not the end of my life, but it is a serious skin conditions that needs to be treated. What the dermatologists gave me work for a while but not long. So I went to see him again and he did the same thing and this went on for a while with no real positive results.
I happen to look up this skin condition online on day. That’s when I came across NutraSilver®. I didn’t buy it when I first saw it. But I wrote the link down I was hoping that maybe the ointment and shoots would get better. As time went on my sleeping was worse and my skin was looking horrible. At work I was finding it real hard to concentrate.
Then I finally remember I wrote the site down for NutraSilver®. So ordered it; I wish to God that I would of sooner.
I feel so much better now. Every day is getting better. I’ve taking NutraSilver® for almost two months. Besides the legions drying up, I’ve notice that I’m not using my asthma inhaler anymore. I have no more cramps in my legs. I had a huge hole in my face from picking a lesion, when I thought in-grown hair before I found out it is Morgellons that is finally heeling. My sleep is better now. I have so much more energy. I get up early now. I went walking five miles today. I would not have even tried that a few months ago!!! My production at work is a lot better now. I would recommend NutraSilver® to anyone with Morgellons or any of the others symptoms that I just mentioned. NutraSilver® is my life a saver.Sincerely,
I have suffered terribly for over 10 years with this horrible Morgellons disease. After trying every product under the sun, I finally discovered NutraSilver®. Within 7 days of starting it, I noticed my thoughts became clearer, my energy began to come back, my depression seemed to vanish, the ’creepy crawlies began to diminish and best of all, my lesions began to heal for the first time in years. In a few weeks, they were completely healed. I have been symptom-free for nearly a year now and I am so very grateful for NutraSilver®.
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