How can there be hope when scientists have no funding?
I have been working with Morgellons sufferers for over 5 years now. In all that time, I have not been able to identify any serious science due to lack of funding. Take the Morgellons Research Foundation as an example. This is a group of true, dedicated scientists who have accomplish nearly nothing more than disseminating information and keeping track of how many families register on their site as Morgellons sufferers. After all these years, scientists can not even tell us if Morgellons is a bacteria, fungus, virus, or a combination or something totally new to science.The answer is that there are not enough people demonstrating symptoms of Morgellons to make it financially worth their while. Sad but true. Even the CDC in their investigation, was only issued a budget of $338,000 for their entire study. Anyone with common sense knows that that is barely enough to staff a few people, yet alone conduct a full scientific investigation. Could this be the reason that the US Army had to fund the rest? And why is the US Army involved anyway? We have great questions, but, alas, no answers.
Money, money, money, of course
Let's be frank here; when there are sufficient numbers of Morgellons sufferers for it to become financially feasible (profit) to conduct real scientific research, then and only then will science begin real research into this mysterious disease. This was certainly the case when AIDS first appeared about 35 years ago.While Medical Science Looks for Morgellons Research Funding, People Suffer Horribly
Take a moment and see for yourself what Morgellons sufferers go through;Even After 40 US Senators and Congressmen Asked the CDC to Investigate...
Then US Senator Barack Obama and US Senator Hillary Clinton, among others asked the CDC to investigate Morgellons. The US Government still has no answers or hope for Morgellons sufferers. Even with this amount of political clout, nothing of any import has occurred to date. We do see a glimmer of hope in Europe where scientists do seem to be working on Morgellons. It looks like money talks, even over the roar of politics.In the mean time, Morgellons sufferers continue to hope and pray for relief.
There is a way out. For 5 years now we have been helping Morgellons sufferers eliminate their symptoms. We are certain that this is not a cure, but at least Morgellons sufferers have a way to eliminate their symptoms and return to a normal life.
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