Prescription antibiotics used to fight infections kill all bacteria indiscriminately, including the friendly bacteria that keep fungi such as Candida in check. Two popular and natural means to rid the body of Candida infections are to change the body’s PH through diet, or to treat the affected area either topically or internally, using a colloidal silver Candida treatment.
Candidiasis is an over abundance of naturally occurring yeast that grows into a fungal infection when an environment is created that allows the yeast to bloom. Friendly aerobic bacteria present in the body generally act to control the level of this yeast. Audiophiles is a common example that may become lacking due to dietary restrictions. Diabetics are particularly afflicted as their above normal sugar levels can provide an over abundant food source for the yeast.
Untreated, internal Candida in the intestinal tract can build up to levels that eventually enter and invade the blood stream to become leaky gut syndrome. The yeast can grow long roots into the lining of the intestinal wall, allowing access to the bloodstream. This can often lead to a compromised immune system that provokes other illnesses. The fungus produces microscopic barb-like hooks, called rhizoids, that cut into tissue causing irritation around the infected area.
This potent colloidal silver Candida treatment fights fungi on contact both internally and externally. Topically, colloidal silver is safely applied without worry of adverse affects. Recommended applications are two to three times per day until the symptoms subside. Internally, Colloidal silver dosage should be small at first a couple of times per day.
It should be noted that when a person begins treating Candida internally, the release of toxic waste by the abundant dying fungus can cause a person to feel initially worse. This is referred to as Candida die off or a Herxheimer reaction. For this reason it is suggested to begin treating the internal infection gradually at first, with small amounts of colloidal silver, in order to keep the waste substances to a level that is manageable for the body to expel. People who use colloidal silver topically, usually report that it will cure athlete’s foot, vaginal infections, and skin fungal infections.
The most effective kind of colloidal silver out there is generally copper in color, and doesn’t require special, light proof bottling. True colloidal silver is often a rare supplement, since most companies are simply selling ionic silver, which is a clear, colorless liquid. Colloidal silver is superior because of it’s particle size in comparison to ionic silver. Both are effective, however, it’s ideal to find the true colloidal silver.
Alright, so what is the bottom line?
Simply stated, antibiotics are dangerous mycotoxins and fungal metabolites that kill bacteria—even the good bacteria that are present in our intestines. This upsets the delicate balance of the yeast to bacteria ratio in the digestive system, giving the yeast fungi the upper hand in creating an infection. Once in the blood, a yeast infection spreads throughout the body.
Colloidal silver is thought to stop Candida by deactivating enzymes responsible for the metabolism of oxygen within the Candida organism. Many Candida sufferers find relief through NutraSilver® use.
“I must have gone to the Doctor 4 or 5 times and used every medicine he gave me for Candida. I was on Steroid pills, antibiotics, creams… you name it. Months went by and it just seem to get worse. I finally did some research on the internet and ran across a website called NutraSilver. I first applied it on the spots and after 4 days or so, the spots started going away. However, I had to end up covering my entire lower legs in NutraSilver® to keep the Fungus from relocating. It took about 2 full weeks to completely go away, BUT it is gone…and I am so thankful. What a nightmare!!!!”—Lucy, 2009
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