Protect your pets, the natural way | News | NutraSilver Plus
No matter what kind of pet you have, NutraSilver can kill the germs in their bodies. We all love our pets and want to keep them healthy. But just by the nature of pets, they travel in different worlds than we do. They play and romp outside through the bushes and in the dirt. That's what pets do. So how do you protect them from ticks and other insect bites? What can you do to insure that your cat or dog is in optimum health? You can give them daily drops of NutraSilver® in their food or water. NutraSilver®, in FDA-certified in-vitro independent lab tests, demonstrated that it can kill water-borne pathogens quickly and safely.
The lab animals used in the tests thrived on NutraSilver. Scientifically engineered by a Physicist nearly 15 years ago, NutraSilver lab tests also showed high kill-rates for many other harmful bacteria including eColi, Salmonella, Cholera and several other harmful pathogens. NutraSilver also kills fungus and yeast, as demonstrated by previous FDA-certified Lab tests. It is an amazing discovery for the benefit of both man and animals.