A look at the etiology of deaths from 2005 to 2009 of the elderly committed in care homes, revealed that a number of mortalities were not entirely unavoidable. A whopping 1,446 died due to bedsores while 1,349 died due to Clostridium difficile. Another 579 people died due to MRSA while 667 deaths were caused by dehydration.
It should also be noted that these deaths occurred after the savings of these elderly people were completely drained. This led to the need to make drastic improvements in various care home institutions.
More stringent rules were implemented through the Care Standards Act 2000. In fact, many care homes were shut down because they were unable to meet the standards. Despite this, many government funded care facilities still continued their operation despite sub-standard patient care.
In 1997, the Department of Labor took charge and one of the things that were focused on was the overwhelming amount of mortalities that resulted from superbugs. Many were alarmed because the death toll resulting from neglect was even far higher than the ones caused by inadequacy of medicines given.
To address this immense problem, the government aims that when April 2013 comes, all persons in need of care will be able to gain access to adequate health services paid for by funds sourced by their own council.
Furthermore, people are encouraged to take some time to think about whether or not placing a relative in a care home is beneficial or possibly life threatening.
Some people are colonized with MRSA, which means that they carry the bacteria but do not experience symptoms of an infection. People who are colonized with MRSA can spread the germs to others.
We are not medical professionals; we are distributors trying to help people. We appreciate the dozens and dozens of testimonials from grateful people who use NutraSilver® to treat their Morgellons disease
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Scientist world-wide have been fighting this bacterial infection for
many years. The problem is that this bacteria mutates to become
impervious to antibiotics. As new antibiotics are developed, the
bacteria again mutates to resist the antibiotics.
When antibiotics are administered too often — whether to humans or to animals — a few strong bacteria survive and reproduce, giving rise to new generations of resistant organisms. Unfortunately, this is only part of the antibiotic problem. Animals raised on antibiotics develop extracellular genetic material called plasmids that can survive the cooking process. These plasmids instruct the normal bacteria in your body to be resistant to the antibiotic.The greatest single most important issue facing the health care industry today is the rampant occurrence of MRSA in hospitals and surgical wards. FDA-certified labs conducted in-vitro NutraSilver® testing against the most prevalent strain of MRSA obtainable. The results were astounding.
It should also be noted that these deaths occurred after the savings of these elderly people were completely drained. This led to the need to make drastic improvements in various care home institutions.
More stringent rules were implemented through the Care Standards Act 2000. In fact, many care homes were shut down because they were unable to meet the standards. Despite this, many government funded care facilities still continued their operation despite sub-standard patient care.
In 1997, the Department of Labor took charge and one of the things that were focused on was the overwhelming amount of mortalities that resulted from superbugs. Many were alarmed because the death toll resulting from neglect was even far higher than the ones caused by inadequacy of medicines given.
To address this immense problem, the government aims that when April 2013 comes, all persons in need of care will be able to gain access to adequate health services paid for by funds sourced by their own council.
Furthermore, people are encouraged to take some time to think about whether or not placing a relative in a care home is beneficial or possibly life threatening.
How MRSA is Spread in Older Adults
MRSA of the skin is spread by contact. For example, if a healthcare worker touches an infected wound or surface with her bare hands, she has directly contacted the bacteria. If she then touches another resident without washing her hands, the MRSA can be transferred to that resident through indirect contact. Coming into contact with the bacteria does not necessarily mean that the person will acquire a MRSA infection.Some people are colonized with MRSA, which means that they carry the bacteria but do not experience symptoms of an infection. People who are colonized with MRSA can spread the germs to others.
Risk Factors for MRSA in the Elderly
Nursing home residents may have numerous risk factors for acquiring a MRSA infection. The WebMD’s June 23, 2009 article entitled “MRSA Infection: Risk Factors” by the MayoClinic staff lists several specific risks for MRSA including some of the following:Read on
- Facts About MRSA
- Vancomycin Resistant MRSA
- Measures to Reduce MRSA in Sports
- Breaks in the skin, particularly uncovered wounds
- Inserted tubes such as indwelling urinary catheters, intravenous catheters, central lines, dialysis catheters, or feeding tubes
- Shared living quarters with other people
- Exposure to shared equipment, particularly equipment that is not properly sanitized between residents. The CDC offers specific information regarding how to clean environmental surfaces in order to prevent and control the spread of MRSA.
- A weakened immune system
- Close and repeated contact with healthcare professionals
- Recent antibiotic use, particularly fluoroquinolones and cephalosporin
- Recent hospitalization
- Existing infections, such as aspiration pneumonia or a UTI
MRSA Utterly Destroyed by NutraSilver
NutraSilver is a Fast and Effective MRSA Remedy
NutraSilver was scientifically engineered by a physicist about 14 years ago. His intent was to create a natural product that killed the HIV/ AIDS virus. Because of the politics of that time, attention was moved to humanitarian efforts because NutraSilver® kills all water-borne pathogens. Millions of bottles of NutraSilver have been shipped globally so people in third-world countries can drink water without becoming ill or dying.What Are You Waiting For? Get Yourself Protected Today!
MRSA Can Not Develop a Resistance To NutraSilver
Infections of all kinds are becoming increasingly resistant to the antibiotics prescribed to treat them. Experts say it is because of the overuse of antibiotics by humans as well as by food producers.When antibiotics are administered too often — whether to humans or to animals — a few strong bacteria survive and reproduce, giving rise to new generations of resistant organisms. Unfortunately, this is only part of the antibiotic problem. Animals raised on antibiotics develop extracellular genetic material called plasmids that can survive the cooking process. These plasmids instruct the normal bacteria in your body to be resistant to the antibiotic.The greatest single most important issue facing the health care industry today is the rampant occurrence of MRSA in hospitals and surgical wards. FDA-certified labs conducted in-vitro NutraSilver® testing against the most prevalent strain of MRSA obtainable. The results were astounding.
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