Stratospheric GeoEngineering (Chemtrails) and Morgellons; Is There a Connection?
G. Edward Griffin Talks Candidly About Chemtrails/SAG
We are being sprayed with toxic chemicals
“One of the world’s leading researchers, Dr. Gwen Scott share her views of the connection of Chem-trails and Morgellons Disease, having conferred with Clifford Cornicom, a well-known and respected researcher.
everyday, all around the planet. The materials are fine particulates and are easily breathed in. Once in the body, they become systemic in less than a minute.
Ten years ago I had the honor to meet the lead independent research scientist on Chemtrails, Clifford Carnicom ( Through his tireless and unselfish efforts, we began to unravel the components of this toxic soup. As he made each new discovery, I would design a natural medicine to help mitigate the effects in the human body. The following paper represents my best understanding to date.
Much of the information presented here comes from the scientific community (Mr. Carnicom and many others who wish to remain unknown.) Some is personal experience, observation, and testimony from clients. The work is always evolving as new information is brought to me. The date of this writing is January 31,2009. Although I feel this protocol is sound, there may be additions. After all, the mixture being sprayed from the skies into the air supply is subject to change as well. Also, it does not seem that all of the elements, purpose, and remedies are known by anyone at this time.
I offer this work to EVERYONE. It should be copied, shared, and distributed. However, it is not for profit by ANYONE. It represents ten years of pro-bono work on my part on behalf of humanity. I gave it my mind, body, and spirit. These times call for us to leave greed and self-interest by the side of the road. All life, as we know it, is calling to those who hear. It is my hope that some bright minds out there will add to this, learn from it, and freely present their own understandings in the same manner. It is only by unselfish cooperation that man can hope to overcome these assaults.
Morgellons/Chemtrail Syndrome Elements
Metals– scientifically confirmedBiological/Mycoplasma– bacteria, virus, fungus-bacteria/fungus/mycoplasma– scientifically confirmed
“Fibers”/Pseudo-life/altered parasites– confirmed (debate as to nature)
Polymer/fiber-optic material– scientifically confirmed
Frequencies entering body through atmospheric manipulation– confirmed
Calcium particulates– confirmed
Magnesium particulates– confirmed
Dismantling the Complex
Metals-Aluminum, barium, titanium, possible others
The best, most effective way to remove heavy metals from the body on a daily basis is DIATOMACEOUS EARTH OR CLAY. A research doctor found the purest, food grade source called “Fossil Flour” at It costs pennies a day and has no known contraindications if taken in distilled water, on an EMPTY stomach. Most people seem to do well with about one-tablespoon per day. The clay is rich in silica which assists many body functions. It should be stored in glass, or paper, not plastic. The research doctor found most of the diatomaceous earth compromised with metals and other toxins, even ones sold in the health stores. This source comes from the bottom of a deep lake in Utah and seems to have been protected from environmental pollution. Please note that this research doctor spent years and did hundreds of hair and blood tests to confirm that metals were, in fact, being removed from the body with this clay.
Biological Components
It is my belief that others before me (Rife, Bechamp, Naessens, etc.) were right about the nature of the organisms we call bacteria, virus, and fungus. These scientists believed in the pleo-morphic nature of these beings…that a bacteria could change or “morph” into a virus or fungus and even into a tiny “seedling” that could hide from therapy and re- merge at a later time. Whether this is true or not, there are a few natural medicines that address all three and we have seen success with treating Morgellons syndrome/Chemtrail illness. Mycoplasma seems to respond especially well to the colloidal silver treatments.
1. Colloidal Silver: Used internally and topically seems to have excellent results. Also very effective as a nasal spray. Most people use pro-biotics with colloidal as it may diminish the “good” bacteria in the colon.
2. Miracle II Soap (plain without moisturizer): excellent bath soak, shampoo, and whole body wash. ( or distributor- at this time Kathy Zozula in Penn. is my choice 412-558-0438.)
3. Miracle II Neutralizer: a clear liquid, kept in the refrigerator, taken daily. They recommend 7-drops per day, but some people benefit from more. Some people also spray their faces, inhale it in the sinuses, and spray it on their hair. It seems to “neutralize” some of the pathogens…molds and mildew crash instantly. I am told that it also creates an alkaline environment in the body.
4. Deep Health by Herbs, Etc.: This extract contains many herbs designed to boost the immune system. Some of the herbs have traditionally been used to kill bacteria and virus, as well as fungus.
Polymer/Fiber optic Material
This component of Morgellons syndrome is perhaps the most difficult to address. It seems to incorporate into the hair, skin, eyes (see pupils with a black light) as well as other organs in the body. It may be used as a “coating” or external membrane by the “fibers” or altered parasites. I have not found anyone, to date, that has the true answer as to its purpose (many speculate about mind/body control, etc.) or an effective therapy for “flushing” it from the system. However, there is some evidence that the following therapies do encourage it to leave the body.
1. When using the organic grape swish in the mouth (discussed later,) this polymer comes out of the mouth with the “fibers.”
2. Drinking organic grape juice and organic red wine also seems to encourage the plastic out of the system. Some people report that drinking carbonated mineral water helps as well.
3. Steaming the lungs with tea tree oil( discussed later) is helpful. Also smoking pure, unaltered tobacco (American Indian) is reported to help people cough it up.
4. Apple cider vinegar (organic only) diluted in distilled water is a good flushing agent for toxins
5. Steaming in a shower (use a good filter) helps many people to cough it up and blow it out.
6. Miracle II soap seems to help break it down and draw it out, especially in a hot bath soak.
7. It seems very true that the “plastic” incorporates into the fungal network. Some suggest the fungus uses it as food, but this is unknown. It is true that when the fungus is “crashed,” the polymer is released and leaves the body through the respiratory system, eliminatory system, and soles of the feet.
Fibers/Parasites/Altered Life Forms
There are many theories and much speculation about what the “fibers” coming from Morgellons sores really are. Some say GMO cotton, others a nano-type creation, others a living parasite. I have seen many of them under
the microscope and thousands from my own body. Much of their nature is still a mystery to me, but with the help of some brilliant scientists and personal observations, I have some theories about their nature:
1. They seem to have a low level intelligence
2. They are highly magnetic
3. They are attracted to grape, either in grape juice or red wine (organic-not so much with conventional as the grape has been denatured and weakened.)
4. They “herd”, meaning they follow movement of “leaders.” They will move towards or away from something they either are attracted to (grape,) or something they don’t like (red laser light.)
5. They have different “ends.” Some are hooked in nature, others are a bulb and some are straight.
6. They carry pathogens internally.
7. They have a thick, tough outer shell that appears to be a fiber-optic/polymer material that is highly florescent
8. Some will quietly exit the body and “become” hair-like, while others create sores and cause sharp, intense pain.”
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