There is now strong data indicating that this disorder is associated with nanotechnology, specifically nanomachines in the form of nanofibers. The National Science Foundation (NSF) defines nanofibers as having at least one dimension of 100 nanometer (nm) or less.Fiber samples, taken from the skin of a Morgellons sufferer, when exposed to heat, did not burn until it has been heated to 1700 degrees F. As well, under examination with an electron microscope, fiber samples appear not to be organic. They have no eukaryotic cells, no cell membrane. Meaning that Morgellons is not a parasite, it is not biological, it is a machine.
The Team Leader of the research unit was Dr Hildegarde Staninger of Integrative Health International at Lakewood, California. The preliminary findings were disturbing. She stated;
Morgellons appears to be:
Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, PhD |
- a communicable nanotechnology invasion of human tissue in the form of self-assembling,
- self-replicating nanotubes,
- nanowires, and nanoarrays with sensors.
- Other nano configurations associated with Morgellons disease carry genetically-altered and spliced DNA or RNA.
- The nanomachines which precipitate Morgellons thrive in alkaline ph conditions and use the body’s bio-electric energy and other (unidentified) elements for power.
- There is evidence that certain of the tiny machines possess their own internal batteries as well.
- The Morgellons nanomachines are configured to receive specific tuned microwave, EMF and ELF signals and radio data. At this point, why this is happening is anyone’s guess.
- We do know that Morgellons is commonly found in all body fluids, orifices and often even hair follicles, and
- are believed to routinely achieve total body systemic penetration.
- If these findings are correct, and Morgellons is nanotechnology capable of taking over biological systems, the question remains whether or not these nanomachines were the result of an accident, or a deliberate release with the intention of infecting people for some unknown purpose.
- It is almost as if Morgellons is in the process of reconstructing people into an entirely different life form; a cyborg-like creature, both biological and machine.
- As well, with the reports that the Morgellons nanomachines are capable of receiving radio signals, this could indicate that each infected person/system would be able to communicate with other Morgellons sufferers, creating the potential that each person would be like a single brain-cell of a larger, artificial intelligence.
Yea, right…….
pick the one below that you believe the most.
- Morgellons is not a parasite, it is not biological, it is a machine.
- a communicable nanotechnology invasion of human tissue in the form of self-assembling,
- evidence that certain of the tiny machines possess their own internal batteries
- Morgellons nanomachines are configured to receive specific tuned microwave, EMF and ELF signals and radio data
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