Could there be a natural treatment for Morgellon’s Disease that really works?
The answer is absolutely yes. Read on…..
Non-healing Morgellons lesions
Locking patients up, decrying their painful and debilitating symptoms as “psychosomatic” (from the mind), debilitating them with powerful psychoactive drugs and ridiculing their obvious distress and concern is not the way to treat disease in ANY case, but especially not in this one.
Recall the way that mainstream medicine reacted when it was confronted with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or “AIDS” – it completely buried its head in the sand and treated the poor suffering patients with derision and scorn. Such has
been the treatment of many a Morgellon’s patient, though, thankfully, some compassionate medics are taking a radically different approach and trying a totally new approach.
Dr Susan Kolb, MD |
Hope for Morgellons Disease Using Natural Remedies?
However, the similarity to some fungal species (such as hyphae) has led some pioneering physicians to consider treatments that are effective against such species. One such treatment that is showing significant promise is the unique clustered-water colloidal silver product “NutraSilver at 3,600 ppm.”In fact, many sources postulate that it is the bactericidal properties of silver that led the nobilities of the Medieval World to eat from silver plates and drink from Silver cups – the silver protecting them from any potentially harmful bugs in their food and drink. Whatever the reason, silver is known by all in the field of natural health to have many powerful qualities and few drawbacks (none of which are remotely life-threatening).
However, NutraSilver is somewhat unique in that it is not just a simple suspension of silver molecules, but a suspension of silver particles, which seem to be EVEN MORE effective in killing virtually every dangerous pathogen known to man. This kind of approach is yielding significant improvements, with many people reporting that the “granules” literally seemed to “jump out” of their skin after the treatment and that sores that had been troublesome for may months then healed in a couple of weeks.
If you think you might have Morgellons, then you really need to know more about how to overcome your Morgellons symptoms and return to your normal life.
Morgellons Success!
Caring for the Morgellons sufferer is extremely difficult since there are no medicl tests that can identify the disease
“I have suffered terribly for over 10 years with this horrible Morgellons. After trying every product under the sun, I finally discovered NutraSilver®.
Within 7 days of starting it, I noticed my thoughts became clearer, my energy began to come back, my depression seemed to vanish, the “creepy crawlies” began to diminish and best of all, my lesions began to heal for the first time in years. In a few weeks, they were completely healed. I have been symptom-free for nearly a year now and I am so very grateful for NutraSilver®.”
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